行銷領域期刊審查委員的角色和影響力 - What is the role of reviewers?
參與國內外期刊的審稿服務對於學術社群的一種貢獻,特別是收到聲譽卓越的國際期刊邀請審稿對於研究人員是一種肯定和認同,雖然沒有報酬且要花不少時間,但這審稿過程中往往有許多的學習,對於自己在未來投稿上也有幫助! 2017年Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science刊登了一篇對於行銷領域頂尖期刊Reviewer角色和影響力說明的文章,由Dr. Donald R. Lehmann和Dr. Russell S. Winer這兩位有極高學術成就的大教授執筆撰寫(https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11747-016-0501-x),內容中除了對於一般審查流程、文章審查重點和審查工作對於研究人員職涯發展上之影響作出簡要說明,並進一步提供9點建議給擔任審查委員的學者和研究人員,摘要其中有趣的幾點供大家參考:
- Start every review with “What I like about this paper is” and remember that as you do your review. If you think the paper is good enough to be published, go ahead and say so. A good critical review is not necessarily a negative one.
- Remember the paper is the authors’ paper, not yours, and that their name will appear on it (and not yours). Don’t in effect take over and try to dictate exactly what they “must” do.
- Don’t be upset if editors don’t follow your recommendations. You are an advisor, they are the decision makers.
- Try to complete your review in one sitting. It will save you time remembering where you were and produce a more coherent/consistent review.
文獻來源: Lehmann, D.R. & Winer, R.S. Journal of the Academy Marketing Science. (2017) 45: 587.